Source code for aiomcstats.models.bedrock

from typing import List, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel
from .minecraft import Players, Debug, Motd

[docs]class BedrockStatus(BaseModel): """Bedrock Status. Args: edition (str): Game edition. motd (str): Message of the day. protocol_version (int): Version of the game protocol. protocol_name (str): Protocol name. player_count (int): Current number of players on the server. player_max (int): Max number of servers on the server. server_id (int): Server id. latency (int): Latency from api. map (Optional[str]): Map. Defaults to None. gamemode (Optional[str]): Current gamemode. Defaults to None. gamemode_int (Optional[int]): Current gamemode id. Defaults to None. port_ipv4 (Optional[int]): Server port for ipv4. Defaults to None. port_ipv6 (Optional[int]): Server port for ipv6. Defaults to None. """ online: bool port: int debug: Debug motd: Motd players: Players edition: str protocol_version: int protocol_name: str server_id: int ip: Optional[str] map: Optional[str] = None gamemode: Optional[str] = None gamemode_int: Optional[int] = None port_ipv4: Optional[int] = None port_ipv6: Optional[int] = None